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Effective Online & Offline Marketing

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Online Marketing. A crucial skill for business | All businesses need sales. Sales come from leads. Leads come from the Internet…

Audience, Message, Pond | Screw this up and you’ll really struggle

The Demographic Spending Wave | How to avoid pending bust sectors whilst positioning yourself for the imminent booms

People buy what they WANT, not what they NEED | It’s all about taking someone from their undesired present, to their desired future

Why single product businesses rarely last | And why the WAP’s CPA will shock you…

Content Commerce and the power of a list | How to congruently leap frog from one niche to the next

Basics of Lumpy Mail | And why I don’t personally use Google Adwords

Avoid Brand Marketing! | As a nano/micro business you need Direct Response marketing!

Nurturing Referrals | And the Maths behind Viral Referral campaigns

The Basic Marketing Machine | It’s all about CPA!

Basic Product Architecture | This is crucial as it’s very hard to profit from the front end these days

Basic Funnel Mapping | Brainstorming some biz ideas from the audience

Video Brochures | A great way to get in front of and wowing your desired decision makers!

How to test if your product/service will work | And how you can identify prospects that are interested and how to then target them with an ad

Understanding ‘Pixelling’ | How to secretly stalk those that have landed on your website

Why you need to write your sales letter before doing anything | And how I do cheap market research for finding the best headlines for things

An over-shoulder-look at quickly launching a basic funnel…

Starting a New Attraction Journey From Scratch. Part 1

Starting a New Attraction Journey From Scratch. Part 2

Starting a New Attraction Journey From Scratch. Part 3

Starting a New Attraction Journey From Scratch. Part 4

Working out ROAS and an important lesson when seeing Marketing claims

This is most likely why your marketing isn’t working